Osteoporosis in Children with Cerebral Palsy (2013)

Treatments for low bone density in children with cerebral palsy (CP) are based on adult treatments. Better treatments will emerge when scientists study on their intended subjects. This grant examines the role of hormones in bone remodeling in children and tests bone samples to determine the mechanism behind low bone density in children.

Initial Observations

  • Children with CP often are at risk for bone fractures.
  • Current treatments are designed for adult bones but children’s bones have different remodeling pathways and bone density.
  • Two nervous system hormones, serotonin and leptin, play key roles in bone remodeling.

Core Questions

  • What is the relationship between bone density and leptin levels in children with CP?
  • What is the relationship between bone density and serotonin levels in children with CP?
  • Do children with CP have altered gene expression in their bone cells?

Research Team

  • Dr. Patricia Poitevien MD MSc FAAP, Dr. Normal Otsuka MSc MD FRCSC FAAP FACS, Dr. Thorsten Kirsch PhD, Dr. Joseph Pinero MD, Debra Sala MS